Windows 10 Rs5 Pro Lite Edition v8 2019 Activated x64 idrahman
Februari 18, 2019
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Aktivasi x 64 didasarkan pada Pembaruan Windows 10 Pro Rs 5 dasar 2019 dan akan aktif segera setelah Anda menginstalnya nanti. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, Windows 10 Lite Edition ini memiliki banyak keunggulan. Karena itu, ada banyak teman Idrahman yang meminta Windows 10 Lite Edition ini. Sekarang pada kesempatan ini kita akhirnya diberi kesempatan untuk memposting edisi windows 10 pro 5 s lite untuk teman-teman Idrahman di sini.
Selain ukurannya lebih kecil dari ukuran jendela normal, Preaktivasi 2019 Windows 10 RS5 Lite Version v8 (X86) ini juga cepat dan ringan. Ini karena sebenarnya ada begitu banyak komponen Windows yang kurang penting untuk dihapus untuk memaksimalkan kinerja Windows itu sendiri. Namun, kami tidak menyarankan instalasi saat menggunakan Windows 10 RS5 Lite Edition v8 (X86) 2019 Pra-Activated sesuai dengan kebutuhan game. Windows Lite Edition ini cocok untuk PC dengan spesifikasi rendah yang membutuhkan kinerja maksimum.
Removed Components
- Removed: Microsoft | volsnap.inf
- Removed: 3DBuilder
- Removed: Accessibility tools
- Removed: Advertising.Xaml
- Removed: Auto-Rotation Manager
- Removed: AutoPlay
- Removed: BingWeather
- Removed: BioEnrollment
- Removed: Cache and temp files
- Removed: Contact Data
- Removed: ContactSupport
- Removed: ContentDeliveryManager
- Removed: Cortana
- Removed: CortanaListenUIApp
- Removed: DesktopAppInstaller
- Removed: DVD Play
- Removed: Ease Of Access Themes
- Removed: Kernel Debugging
- Removed: LockApp
- Removed: Manifest Backup (WinSxS\Backup)
- Removed: Manual Setup
- Removed: Messaging
- Removed: Microsoft3DViewer
- Removed: MicrosoftEdge
- Removed: MicrosoftOfficeHub
- Removed: MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- Removed: MicrosoftStickyNotes
- Removed: MiracastView
- Removed: NET.Native.Framework.1.3
- Removed: NET.Native.Runtime.1.3
- Removed: NET.Native.Runtime.1.4
- Removed: Office.OneNote
- Removed: On-Screen Keyboard (Accessibility tools)
- Removed: OneConnect
- Removed: OneDrive
- Removed: Other Themes
- Removed: Paint 3D
- Removed: People
- Removed: Photos
- Removed: PlayReady
- Removed: Retail Demo Content
- Removed: Screensavers
- Removed: Setting Sync
- Removed: Shared PC mode
- Removed: Skype ORTC
- Removed: SkypeApp
- Removed: SmartScreen
- Removed: Sound Themes
- Removed: Sounds (Default)
- Removed: Speech TTS
- Removed: Steps Recorder
- Removed: StorePurchaseApp
- Removed: System Restore
- Removed: Text prediction
- Removed: Tablet PC
- Removed: On-Screen Keyboard (Tablet PC)
- Removed: Tips (Get Started)
- Removed: Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov)
- Removed: User Data Access
- Removed: User Data Storage
- Removed: VCLibs.140.00
- Removed: Volume Shadow Copy
- Removed: Wallet
- Removed: WindowPicker
- Removed: Windows Backup
- Removed: Block Level Backup Service Engine
- Removed: Windows Biometric Service
- Removed: Windows Disc Image Burning Tool
- Removed: Windows Error Reporting
- Removed: Windows Insider Hub
- Removed: Windows Mixed Reality
- Removed: Windows Recovery
- Removed: Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT)
- Removed: WindowsAlarms
- Removed: WindowsCalculator
- Removed: WindowsCamera
- Removed: windowscommunicationsapps
- Removed: WindowsFeedbackHub
- Removed: WindowsMaps
- Removed: WindowsSoundRecorder
- Removed: WindowsStore
- Removed: Xbox App
- Removed: XboxGameCallableUI
- Removed: XboxGameOverlay
- Removed: XboxIdentityProvider
- Removed: XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
- Removed: ZuneMusic
- Removed: ZuneVideo
- Removed: Speech Recognition
- Removed: Tablet PC
What’s New
- All Updates Installed/Integrated:
- The New v8 lite edition is full maded and upgraded from the last rs4 v7 to v8 rs5
- KB4470788:Servicing stack update
- KB4476976:Cumulative Update OS Build 17763.292)
- KB4480056:Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.7.2
- KB4480979:Security update for Adobe Flash Player: January 8, 2019
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